Step off the Beaten Track...Not Your Old Fashioned 5K

These are not your average Joe kind of races... these are some of our favorites across the country... Featuring.... (Did we mention that Mavi Bandz will be rocking out at the Expo??) Each year more than 4,000 people climb to the top of John Hancock Center to raise funds for lung disease research, advocacy and education. You can choose from two climbing categories--full climb (94 floors) or half climb (52 floors). This will be the leg workout of a lifetime! There is also an amazing post race party. This promises to be a good time for a great cause! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is an ultra race...the course features soft dirt trails, pine needle paths, and fire roads on 12.5 and 6.1 mile loops through the piney woods. The 20 K runners do the long loop and are finished. The 50K runners run the big loop tw...