Work it out, girl!

Work it out, girl!

So, did I mention that it's spring?  Speaking of spring, did I mention that it's almost summer?  Speaking of summer, did I mention that I'm completely unprepared for swimsuit season?  Cold winters don't exactly motivate a gal to get to the gym - and I'm pretty sure I definitely needed the extra body fat to keep me warm during those below-zero days anyway.  But, now that the snow and my brain are beginning to thaw, I suppose I'll do a little extra to get ready for the local pool scene.  

Ok, let's be honest - I despise the gym.  So, I'm always looking for a workout that's fun and different.  I don't need anything crazy, but I'm not really a treadmill kind of a girl - you run and run and never get anywhere!  Here are a few ideas if you're craving a change from your elliptical:


If you're looking for a workout that you can do with all of your friends, look no further than Zumba - the "perfect combination of fun and fitness."  Truth be told, it's both hysterical and exhilarating to get the ladies together and dance around like nobody's watching (or at least like none of the boys are watching).  Zumba is basically an awesome dance party that gets your heart rate up and your body moving while keeping you thoroughly entertained!  So, grab your neon workout gear and prepare for a full body workout that will leave you smiling and sore!

The Bar Method / The Dailey Method

Ah, the ballet barre: all at once the most exciting part of ballet class for the baby ballerinas, but the bane of many a ballerina's very existence once she starts to get older.  Basically, once you're old enough to start feeling sore from your workouts, you will probably realize that the dreaded ballet barre has the power to seriously kick your "derriere"!
These days, workouts like The Bar Method and The Dailey Method use the ballet barre to produce a full-body exercise session focusing on muscle strengthening, toning, and sculpting.  Don't let the seemingly easy tasks fool you - these exercises will whip you into shape and leave you sore for days!  They'll also help your alignment, stability, and balance - you'll be as hot as Mila Kunis in Black Swan before you know it!

Pilates and Yoga

With all of the daily stresses of life, it's nice to do a workout that connects body and mind.  Yoga and Pilates both focus on awareness of the body as well as the inner spirit.  Each of these disciplines have lots of different varieties.  I have some friends who love hot yoga because it helps them feel like they're sweating out all of the bad and only keeping in the positive and affirming thoughts.  Many people feel both mentally and physically refreshed after doing yoga - almost like a spiritual cleansing.

I'm personally a huge fan of Pilates on the reformer, but classes can unfortunately be somewhat hard to find (and are usually pretty pricey).  If you're looking to tone your whole body as well as your core, a nice variation on the standard mat class is a class where you use things like resistance bands, rings, or the exercise ball.  You will be hurtin' for certain, but you'll feel a stronger core almost immediately!

Mavi Bandz for Your Workout

So, when you're motivating yourself to do these and other fun and active workouts, you'll definitely need a Mavi to keep the hair out of your face while staying in place.  No woman wants to lose her headband while she should be focusing on her downward dog!  We have styles for every workout - check out our new Namaste and Boston Strong Bandz.  Zumba band coming soon too!  Enjoy the day and work it, girl!!


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