15 Reasons To Do Yoga #EveryDamnDay


If you have never tried yoga, what are you waiting for?!  Your friends are doing it, your neighbor is doing it, even the kids are doing it!  You’ve heard yoga does the body wonders, but are you aware of what it does for the mind, as well?  Here at Mavi Bandz, our staff has taken up yoga and we can not only see our bodies changingm but also feel our stress levels going down with every class.  Our love for yoga has grown so much that we created a headband line just for YOGIS! Let’s examine 15 different reasons why YOU should practice the art of yoga STAT!

After One Yoga Class:
1. Improved Brain Function (Hatha Yoga can improve cognitive function, boosting focus and memory)
2. Lower Stress Levels
3. Alter Gene Expression
4. Increased Flexibility (Bikram Yoga has been found to be effective in increasing shoulder, back, and hamstring flexibility)

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After A Few Months of Yoga Practice:
5. Lower Blood Pressure
6. Improved Lung Capacity
7. Improved Sexual Function (Yoga helps women become more familiar with their own bodies)
8. Reduced Chronic Neck Pain
9. Anxiety Relief (Some yoga programs have been found to reduce anxiety, and heighten brain chemicals that combat depression and anxiety related disorders)
10. Relief From Chronic Back Pain (Some yoga practices could be more effective in reducing pain and improving mood than standard medical treatment for chronic back problems)
11. Lower Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetics
12. Improved Sense of Balance


After Years of Yoga Practice:
13. Stronger Bones (A 2009 study found that practicing yoga could increase bone density among adults)
14. Healthy Weight
15. Lower Risk of Heart Disease

With all of the above benefits, why not try yoga today? Be sure to check out our new line of Yoga adjustable and non-slip headbands, including “Little Lotus,” "Namaste”, and “Eat. Sleep. Yoga" here!



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