The Dreaded Time Change

Ah, the semi-annual time change.  Spring forward, fall back - which is which and why do we all feel so thrown off by something seemingly as simple as changing a few numbers on our microwaves?

Studies show that the switch to Daylight Savings Time results in more accidents both on the road and in the workplace and can even lead to more headaches since the body's circadian rhythms are affected.  In my opinion, it leads to overall sleepiness, irritation, and confusion.  Add in children, and the time change is an even bigger monster!

Luckily, there are some things you can do to help your mind and body adjust and prepare for spring (which multiple people have assured me is coming soon - one can only hope):


1.  Stick to a bedtime routine and don't stay up late for a few nights!  Try your best to get your kids and yourself to bed at a decent time and make sure to follow your routine so that your body knows what to expect and that it's time to wind down.  (You can party it up next weekend once you're more adjusted!!)


2.  Try not to over caffeinate! I am snickering at myself as I write this (Diet Coke flows through my veins), but remember that the same caffeine that can give us a boost during the day can also interfere with sleep if we consume too much, especially later in the day.  So, get your cuppa joe early, but don't overdo it... okay, don't totally overdo it - and remember that the line today at Starbucks will be twice as long!  If you do go today, here are a few ways to save for the month of March:


3.  Don't forget to eat and breathe!  If you're anything like me, you have days where you literally have to remind yourself to do both of these things.  Make the extra effort to eat healthy for at least this few days, and take a time out if you need one!  A few deep breaths and even 10 seconds of calm can help refresh your nerves and get you through.


4.  Throw on a Mavi Band if you're too tired for your morning shower for the next few days!! 

Ultimately, this whole time change thing will make us happy when our evenings are longer and we have more lovely sunlight to enjoy.  Until then, cheers to the makers of coffee and 5-Hour Energy!


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